Claiming the spot for the most prevalent phishing scam is ...

Protecting your business data starts with one crucial step: being alert to phishing emails.

What's a phishing email? Imagine a hidden trap dressed up like a friendly message, designed to trick you into sharing your personal info or clicking on harmful links. These emails look like they're from someone you trust, but they're not.

Here's a simple truth: Knowing more keeps you safer. Let's break down the phishing tricks from last year into three types:

  • Biggest Threat: Emails about money issues are the most common, making up over half of all phishing attacks. They might fake bills or payment requests to steal your financial details.
  • Urgent Warnings: Next up, about a third of these emails fake urgent warnings, like saying your password is about to expire, to make you act fast without thinking.
  • Sneaky Tricks: Then there are the ones pretending to be important documents or voicemails, which can trick you into letting your guard down.
  • Small Fish: Less common but still risky are emails pretending to be about jobs, taxes, or benefits. They're less frequent but still a threat if you're caught off guard.

Why worry? Falling for one of these can mean losing money, leaking private info, or damaging your business's good name. Teaching your team about these dangers and setting up strong security is key.

The best defense is staying sharp and informed. Teach your team, keep your security tight, and you'll keep your business safe.

Need help making sure you're protected? Let's chat about securing your business.

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90% of cyber security attacks start with a simple email. Why?